Agriculture/Animal Care
Headlee Veterinary Clinic 605-837-2436
Main Street
*Veterinary Services and Supplies
Double H Feed & Supply605-837-2204
Hwy 73
*Animal Feed & Supplies
Groven’s Chemical 605-837-2478
*Chemical Applications
Oien Implement 605-837-2214
*Auto & Farm Parts
J&S 605-837-2376
*Mechanic Shop, Service Work & Tires
Shad’s Towing 605-837-2300
Hwy 248
*All types of Auto & Truck Towing
General Supplies
Dollar General
Hwy 73
Bank West 605-837-2281
Main St.
Little Bit Of Everything
Main Street
Food Service
People’s Market 605-837-2332
Main St.
*Grocery Store with Meat Dept.
Penny’s Riverside Catering 605-837-2724 or 605-488-0345
25166 SD Hwy 73
Public Lockers 605-837-2279
Main St.
*Beef, Pork & Lamb Processing, Beef and Pork Sales, Curing, Frozen & Cold Storage
Miss Jean’s Pizza 605-837-2328
Hwy 248 (inside Clark Station)
*Homemade Pizza & Indian Tacos, Takeout or Delivery
Sunset Grille
Hwy 73
Subway 605-837-2400
Hwy 73
Funeral Home
Rush Funeral Home 605-859-2400
*Chapels in Kadoka, Philip, & Wall
Bar & Liquor
Kadoka City Bar 605-837-9102
819 Main St.
*Hours 10AM-2AM Mon-Sat, Bar & Liquor Store
Badlands Distillery
425 SD Hwy 73
9 AM- 5:30 PM
Community Service
Western South Dakota Community Action 605-837-2047
Pocketful of Posies 837-2276
Main St
*Flowers, Plants, Balloons, Cakes & Gifts
Child Care
Kid Cave 605-837-2775
Hours 7-5:30 M-F
Madison's Daycare 605-407-2860
Grandpa Jo's Place Motel & Campground
Hwy 248
America’s Best Value Inn 605-837-2188
JCT I-90 Highway 73 Exit 150
*30 Unit Hotel New Mattresses
Sundowner Motel 605-837-2296
Hwy 73
Wagon Wheel Motel 605-837-2441
Hwy 248
Kadoka Kampground 605-837-2243
Hwy 248
West Motel 605-837-2427
Hwy 248
Concordia Lutheran Church 605-837-2390
Kadoka Independent Presbyterian Church 605-837-2233
Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church 605-837-2219
Rae Create Paint Bar 605-837-2464
1011 7th Ave
*Full Service Nail Salon
Main St. Salon 605-837-2301
824 Main St.
*Hair Care, Nail Care, Retail Products, Jewelry, Tanning, Waxing, Specialty Styles, & Ear Piercing
Tammy’s Tresses 605-837-2301
*Hair Salon & Products
Badland’s Beauty Salon 605-390-4591
Prokop Ranch
*Full Service Hair Salon
Why Not Fitness 605-837-2301
*Tanning, fitness equipment, fitness classes and health food.
Main Street
Post Office
US Post Office 605-837-2227
Main St
Miller’s Laundromat 605-837-9196
Main St
Kadoka Laundromat 605-837-2243
Emergency Contacts
Ambulance 911
Fire 911
City Police 911
Sheriff 605-837-2285
Hospital 605-859-2511
Hwy Patrol 605-837-2926
Doctor 605-837-2257
Miller’s Garbage Service 605-837-2698
*Residential & Business Pickup in Kadoka
Farmers Union Insurance 605-837-2144
Main Street Plaza
*Ranch, Home, Auto, Health, Commercial, Long Term Care, Life, Annuities
Bankwest Insurance 605-837-2281
Main St.
*Property, Casualty, Life, Health, Crop
Incredible Metal 462-6683 23195 Swift Horse Rd.
*One of a kind hand-made metal art, Rock, Wild Turkey, Prairie Dog ,and Deer Hunting, Great Hiking in the Badlands, Guest House, Sight Seeing
Telecommunication & Electric
Golden West Telecommunications
605-837-2211 Main St
*Phone, Cable, & Internet Provider
West Central Electric 1-800-242-9232
Kadoka City Pool 605-837-2290
Poplar St.
*Pool & Kiddy Pool
Kadoka City Park
Chestnut Street
*Horse Shoe Court, Playground Equipment, and Sand Volleyball Court
Depot Museum
Main St.
*Historic Railroad Depot Museum, Free Admission
Kadoka Sports Complex
*8 Lane all weather track
Kadoka Golf Course
*Sand Greens
Title Company
Jackson County Title Company 605-837-2286
Law Office
Kemnitz Law Office
Jackson County Courthouse 605-837-2284
Jorgensen Trucking 605-837-2906
*Various Types of Hauling
Magelky Trucking 605-837-2041
*Various Types of Hauling
VanderMay Trucking
*Various Types of Hauling
Christensen Trucking 605-837-2333
*Various Types of Hauling
Gas & Fuel
Kadoka Gas & Go 605-837-2350
Exit 150 Junction I-90 & SD Hwy 73
*Movies for rent, Hot Deli Food, Pizza to Go, Convenience Store, Propane Bottles (ready to go)
Discount Fuel 605-837-2792
SD Hwy 73
*Fuel, Gasoline, Hot Food, Convince Store
Kadoka Oil LLC 605-837-1840 or
SD Hwy 73
*Bulk Fuel and LP Service
Midwest Coop 605-837-2600
Main St.
*Propane, Bulk Fuel
Home Decor
Dakota Legends
Main Street
Bonenberger Enterprises
605-940- 2782
*Welding and landscaping services
Brian Koehn Construction 605-218-0609
*Licensed Plumber, Roofing, Remodeling, Carpentry, Backhoe work of all types
Kevin Kusick’s Painting and More 605-488-0008
*Inside/Outside Painting, Staining, Scraping, Power Washing, Spraying Paint and Stain, Minor Plumbing, Lawn Work & Carpentry
Handrahan Construction 605-222-9897
*Carpentry, S/R, Paint, Stucco, Re-Modeling, Additions, & New Construction
Smiley Construction 605-837-2244
*All types of Construction & Carpentry
Exact Contracting 605-890-2696
*All types of Construction & Carpentry
West River Excavation 605-837-2690
*Dirt work, Excavation Work & Waterlines
Peters Excavation 605-837-2945
*Dirt work, waterlines, & excavation work
Health Services
Kadoka Clinic 605-837-2257
601 Chestnut St.
*Health clinic, X-ray Dept., & Lab Dept.
South Dakota Dept of Health
Jackson County Office 605-837-2240
*WIC, Family Planning, Immunizations
Kadoka Care Center 605-837-2270
605 Maple St.
*Nursing Home